Selected Publications

Kolaric, S., Heeckt, C., Fitter, W., Kaveh, S., Eales, R., White, O., and Pereira Martins, I. (2022) Urban sustainability in Europe — Post‑pandemic drivers of environmental transitions. European Environment Agency.

Eales, R., White, O., Sadauskis, R., Heeckt, C., and Pereira Martins, I. (2021) Urban sustainability in Europe. A stakeholder-led process. European Environment Agency.

European Environment Agency (2021) Urban Sustainability in Europe — Glossary of key terms and concepts. European Environment Agency. Lead author.

Eales, R., White, O., Sadauskis, R., Kolaric, S., Heeckt, C., Rode, P., and Pereira Martins, I. (2021) Urban sustainability in Europe. Avenues for change. European Environment Agency. EEA Report. No 06/2021.

Eales, R., White, O., Sadauskis, R., Kolaric, S., Heeckt, C., Rode, P., and Pereira Martins, I. (2021) Urban sustainability in Europe. Learning from nexus analysis. European Environment Agency. EEA Report No 07/2021.

European Environment Agency (2021) Urban Sustainability in Europe – Opportunities for challenging times. Report co-authored by CEP and LSE Cities for the EEA.

Heeckt, C., Kolarič, S., Mickleburgh, B., Eales, R., White, O., and Rode, P. (2021) Urban Sustainability in Europe - What is driving cities' environmental change? EEA Report No 16/2020.

Sheate, W. R., Twigger-Ross, C., Papadopoulou, L., Sadauskis, R., White, O., Orr, P., and Eales, R. (2020) Learning Lessons for Evaluating Complexity Across the Nexus: A Meta-Evaluation of Environmental Projects. Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation.

Orio Moreno, N., Telletxea Viana, A.J., Martín Pelegrina, J., Eales, R., Orr, P., Kolaric, S., Sadauskis, R., White, O., Luscombe, D., Calero, J., and Pandya, N., Rass-Masson, N. (pending) Feasibility study on the development and maintenance of an EU Environmental Implementation Portal. For European Commission DG ENV.

Milieu and Collingwood Environmental Planning (2019) Study to support the REFIT evaluation of Directive 2001/42/EC on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment (SEA Directive). Final report. For European Commission DG ENV.

Sheate, W.R., Twigger-Ross, C., Papadopoulou, L., Sadauskis, R., White, O., Orr, P., Phillips, P., and Eales, R. (2016) Learning lessons for evaluating complexity at the nexus: a meta-evaluation of CEP projects, for the Centre for the Evaluation of Complexity Across the Nexus (CECAN).

Erhard, M. et al (2016) Mapping and assessing the condition of Europe’s ecosystems: Progress and challenges. Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services 3rd Report – Final. March 2016. European Commission.

Banfi, P., Hernandez, G., Lukacova, Z., McGuinn, J., McNeill, A., Sweeney, L., Sheate, W. and Eales, R. (2016) Study concerning the preparation of the report on the application and effectiveness of the SEA Directive (Directive 2001/42/EC). This report has been prepared by Milieu Ltd and Collingwood Environmental Planning Ltd for the European Commission's Environment Directorate-General. Project code ENV.D1/2015/ETU/SI2.708436. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2016.

European Environment Agency (2016). Mapping and assessing the condition of Europe's ecosystems: progress and challenges - EEA contribution to the implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020. European Environment Agency.

Sheate, W. R., and Eales, R. P. (2016) Effectiveness of European national SEA systems: How are they making a difference? Chapter in Sadler, B. and Dusik, J., (Eds.) European and International Experiences of Strategic Environmental Assessment: Recent Progress and Future Prospects. Routledge.

Eales, R.P., and Phillips, P.M. (2015). Consolidation of analytical approaches for green infrastructure and ecosystem assessment. Report to EEA. London: Collingwood Environmental Planning.

Bennett, T., Phillips, P.M., Sheate, W.R., Eales, R.P., and Baker, J. (2015). Countryside Stewardship Facilitation Fund Monitoring and Evaluation Scoping Study Final Report. Report to Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). London: Collingwood Environmental Planning.

White, O., Eales, R., Baker, J., Sheate, W., Twigger-Ross, C, Sadauskis, R. and Papadopoulou, L., Bennett, T., Horton, B. and Hill, C. (2015). Monitoring and Evaluation of Nature Improvement Areas: Final Report (2012-15). Defra Research Project WC1061. For the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

Sheate, W., Baker, J., Papadopoulou, L., Hill, C., Hornby, D., White, O. and Eales, R. (2015) Monitoring and Evaluation of Nature Improvement Areas: Final Report (2012-15) Annex 1: Counterfactual Report. Defra Research Project WC1061. For the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

Phillips, P., Eales, R., Orr, P., and Sadauskis, R. (2015). Evaluation of the Land Use Strategy (LUS) Forestry Focussed Sub-Regional Pilot Studies. Final Report and Advice on regional and sub-regional forest planning. Report to Forestry Commission Scotland. London: Collingwood Environmental Planning.

Phillips, P., Eales, R., Baker, J. Joao, E. and Lord, R. Land Use Strategy (LUS) Delivery Evaluation Project Final Report. Volume 1: Main Report and Volume 2: Appendices.

Sussams, W., Sheate, W.R. and Eales, R.P. (2014) Green infrastructure as a climate change adaptation policy intervention: Muddying the waters or clearing a path to a more secure future? Journal of Environmental Management, 147, pp184-193.

Baker, J., Sheate, W.R., Philips, P. and Eales, R. (2013) Ecosystem services in environmental assessment – help or hindrance? Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 40 (2013) pp3–13.

European Union (2013) Guidance on Integrating Climate Change and Biodiversity into Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

European Union (2013) Guidance on Integrating Climate Change and Biodiversity into Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).

Collingwood Environmental Planning (2014) Monitoring and Evaluation of Nature Improvement Areas: Year 2 (2013 - 14) Progress Report. Collingwood Environmental Planning Ltd, London.

Collingwood Environmental Planning (2013) Monitoring and Evaluation of Nature Improvement Areas: Year 1 (2012 - 13) Progress Report. Collingwood Environmental Planning Ltd, London.

Sheate, W. R., Eales, R., Daly, E., Baker, J., Murdoch, A., Hill, C., Ojike, U., and Karpouzogolu, T. (2012) Spatial representative and specification of ecosystem services: A methodology using land use/land cover data and stakeholder engagement. Journal of Environmental Assessment, Policy and Management. 14 (1), pp1-36.

European Environment Agency (2012). Territorial cohesion and water management in Europe: the spatial perspective, EEA Technical Report. No 4/2012.

Eales, R.P. and Sheate W.R., (2011) Effectiveness of Policy Level Environmental and Sustainability Assessment: Challenges and Lessons from Recent Practice. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 2011, Vol:13, pp1-27

Sheate WR, Eales R, Baker J, Stafford J, Barker A, van der Burgt N, Partidario MR (2011) A Natural Planning Framework: Putting the natural environment at the heart of the National Planning Framework for England, RSPB, February 2011.

European Environment Agency (2011). Knowledge base for Forward-Looking Information and Services Catalogue of scenario studies. EEA Technical report. No 1/2011.

European Environment Agency (2011) Green infrastructure and territorial cohesion The concept of green infrastructure and its integration into policies using monitoring systems. EEA Technical Report. No 18/2011.

Eales, R. and Sheate, W. (2010) Appraisals of Sustainability and the new National Policy Statements: Opportunities Missed and Challenges to Come? The Journal of the Town and Country Planning Association.

Sheate, W R, Eales, R, Daly, E, Murdoch, A, and Hill, C (2008) Case study to develop tools and methodologies to deliver an ecosystem-based approach: Thames Gateway Green Grids. Final report NR0109, London, Publisher: Defra, 2008.

Eales, R., Smith, S., Twigger-Ross, C., Sheate, W., Özdemiroglu, E., Fry, C., Tomlinson, P., and Foan, C. (2005) Integrated appraisal - Emerging approaches to integrated appraisal. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, vol 22, no. 2.

Minas, P., Eales, R. and Owen, J. (2004) The need for an improved evidence base for regional planning.  The Yorkshire and Humber Regional Review vol 14, no 3 pp8-10.

Eales, R. (2003) Europe sets a green agenda – implications of the SEA Directive for those involved in development planning.  Planning, 22 August 2003, pp18.

Brookes, A., Eales, R., Fisher, J., Foan, C. and Twigger-Ross, C.L. (2001) An Approach to Integrated Appraisal: Progress by the Environment Agency in England and Wales.  Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, vol 3, no.1 pp95-122.